Jewellers Clay

anyone can make pure silver jewellery

how to make silver jewellery

Our silver metal clay tutorials will guide you through the process of using Silver Metal Clay to make your first piece of jewellery.

Jewellers Clay silver metal clay starter kit instructions


• Gas Torch (A kitchen torch would work just fine) • Olive Oil
• Craft Knife or Needle. • Playing Cards (To achieve the desired thickness).
• Roller (Any straight-sided roller would do the job)
• Sanding Sponge or Sandpaper • Flame Proof Mat or Ceramic Tile

Jewellers Clay silver metal clay tips

Handling the Clay

Knead the ball of clay between your fingers, making sure it is pliable Rub your hands with olive oil to avoid clay sticking to your hands.Shape the clay into your design and make yourself a ring, pendant, earrings or make something unique and creative.

Jewellers Clay drying silver metal clay

Drying the Clay

After you’ve shaped your clay it must be dried completely. Some methods you can use to dry your clay are, in a warm place overnight, with a hair drier for about 10 minutes or in a warm oven at 100 degrees is OK it might take an hour. However you dry your clay test that it is dry by putting it on a mirror, after about 20 seconds remove the clay and if you see mist where the clay was it is not dry. If the mirror is clear proceed to the next step. You can work on it to carve designs or smooth out any rough edges or surfaces. Be careful to treat it gently as it is quite delicate at this point!

Firing the Clay

Three methods to fire your clay, as shown below

Jewellers Clay gas firing silver metal clay


Place your item on the heatproof surface and move the flame over the item, gently at first until you see flame, or smoke, that’s the binder burning off. Now give it a bit more heat until it’s a salmon pink colour, start timing for 3 minutes, do this in low light so you can see the colour. Keep the flame moving over the item.

Jewellers Clay gas firing silver metal clay


This method requires a stainless steel mesh placed over the gas ring. Turn the gas on and watch where it glows red hot. Now turn the gas off and place your item where there was a red hot area on the mesh. Once your clay gets pink or orange time it for 3 minutes before turning off the gas. After the item cools proceed to the next step.

Jewellers Clay silver metal clay kiln

3. Using a Kiln:

Place your item inside the Kiln when it is cold. Turn the kiln on. Our kiln is programmed to fire at the correct temperatures so once started all you have to do is wait for the programme to stop and cool down.

Jewellers Clay silver metal clay gif

Finishing the Product

After your item has cooled down, it will turn white. This is normal and is removed by sanding the object with fine sandpaper, a sanding sponge, or a brass brush. For the final finishing, burnish the piece with a piece of smooth metal, the bowl of a spoon will work, or purchase an agate burnisher which is included in our starter pack. This will smooth your piece to a beautiful shine! Voila, what you have now is your very own, custom-made, piece of pure silver jewellery.


Jewellers Clay silver metal clay woman earrings